We’ll help you get Ready4Summer this month. Let’s take a look at your A/C equipment. Whether you have already considered a re-vamp or whether you’re thinking “I’m all set up”: here is why it may pay off to re-assess.

It is good practice to regularly pause and review your business processes to ensure you are running as efficiently as possible, both from a resources and cost perspective. For example, your customer base and consequently your service needs may have changed over time. Your equipment may have aged, meaning you may not maximise the profitability in your jobs. Another very important factor to consider is the constant increase in vehicles in the Australian market which are using R1234yf. With a relatively small proportion of technicians fully set-up to service R1234yf at this point, this provides a business opportunity for you in various ways. Invest now and get ahead of the game to differentiate yourself from your competitor, ensure you’re not losing your current customers who may already have the need for R1234yf based servicing or create another income stream by leasing your equipment to someone who isn’t equipped appropriately but has the need to service vehicles using the new gas. The opportunities are endless. 

The most important part in this thought process is to determine the best fit in equipment for your individual business. Start by considering some of these factors:

  • Are my servicing needs workshop-based (stationary), mobile or a mix of both? AND: Would different equipment enable me to tap into new customer segments?

  • What efficiencies, cost savings or time savings could I create by having more sophisticated tools? For example, while the investment in a 4-in-1 station might be higher initially, it may pay for itself down the track as you can work on other jobs in the meantime. Or, would the simplified and more efficient recycling process of a 4-in-1 station compared to a manual machine allow me to save on cost for gas, thus enabling me to price my job more competitively?

  • What gas types am I required to service NOW and IN FUTURE? (R134a versus R1234yf versus both gas types). Am I losing or missing out on business by doing what I currently do?